Hikari Rosebella Chan

Looking for a professional In-Real-Life graphic designer to help your in-game creative needs?
You've come to the right place. Click on SERVICES to check what kinds of commissions I offer.


Housing Comission Services

SizeOutdoor IncludedPrice (gils)
ApartmentNo8 Mil
Small PlotNo12 Mil
Small PlotYes15 Mil
Medium PlotNo20 Mil
Medium PlotYes25 Mil
Large PlotNo45 Mil
Large PlotYes50 Mil

*Limited Slots only, kindly book the service in advance

Housing Photo Taking Services

ServicePrice (gils)
Housing Photoshoot80k / image

*Minimum 5 shots

Carrd Design Services

ServicePrice (gils)Description
Carrd Website Design30 Mil / SiteDomain hosted by client
Carrd Website Design50 Mil / SiteDomain hosted by Hikari

Gpose Services

ServiceQtyPrice (gils)
Standard Single1 Photo200k / image
Standard Single5 Photos800k package
Standard Group1 Photos400k / image
Custom Singles1 Photo350k / image
Custom Singles5 Photos1.5mil package
Custom Group1 Photo1mil / image

*Prices are for both SFW and NSFW. However, strictly no penetration poses.

Character Creation Services

ServicePrice (gils)
Character Design500k

*Payment first. Kindly provide the race, type/style you are going for.
I will communicate with you on Discord and send you screenshots before finalizing the .dat file.

Regular gpose

Custom gpose